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You searched for: "Supine"

  • Supine Bridges
    Strengthening the muscles of the buttocks makes it easier to get out of bed, a chair or off the toilet. It can also make it easier to go up stairs and can help decrease low back pain.
  • Supine Marching
    This exercise strengthens abdominal and hip muscles as well as helping to stabilize your lower back.
  • Supine Shoulder Flexion
    This upper body exercise can improve shoulder flexibility and mobility, and can be easily turned into a strengthening exercise with the addition of weights or weighted objects.
  • Supine Wall Angels
    Improving chest and shoulder mobility relieves muscle tightness and stiffness, and can make it easier to breathe and maintain a better posture when sitting or standing.
  • Getting Out of Bed (Supine Log Roll)
    The 'log roll' is a simple technique to make it easier to get in and out of bed, and is useful for those who have back pain or decreased balance and strength.
  • Introduction to Supine (On Your Back) Exercises
    Exercise is an important part of COVID-19 recovery in order to regain your strength, endurance, flexibility, and ability to fully take part in all aspects of your daily life. Even if you cannot yet tolerate exercise in positions other than on your back or in bed, it is still very important to keep yourself as active as possible.
  • Supine Lower Trunk Twist
    This twisting exercise stretches any areas of tension at the mid and lower back and even the sidebody and muscles between the ribcage. When done more quickly from side-to-side, it can act as an abdominal strengthening exercise.
  • Supine Neck Mobility & Stretches
    Learn movements and stretches to keep the muscles the neck and upper back flexible, which can help resolve headaches, muscle pain, stiffness, and improve your posture.
  • Supine Upper Torso Twist
    This twisting stretch improves mobility at your midback, ribcage and upper body, making it easier to breath and decreasing tightness or stiffness from prolonged bedrest or illness.
  • Supine Absolute Basics – "The Bare Minimum"
    Some of the absolute basic exercises that should be performed if you are bed-bound include ankle pumps, heel slides and rolling from side to side to change position. Doing these exercises regularly several times a day will help from developing blood clots, pressure ulcers or bedsores, and contractures (shortened, tight muscles).
  • Supine Belly Breathing
    Stress and illness can affect how we breathe, impacting our digestion, cardiac and pulmonary function, nervous system and overall health. Luckily, we can control how and where we breathe in our bodies to change this.
  • Prone Hip Extension
    Use this exercise to strengthen your back and your bottom so movements like standing up, climbing stairs and walking feel easier.
  • Side-Lying Abductor Strengthening
    Strengthening the muscles on the outside of the hips, also known as our hip abductor muscles, keeps us steadier on our feet, and more stable when walking or standing on one leg, like when using stairs.
  • Seated Belly Breaths
    Stress and illness can affect how we breathe, impacting our digestion, cardiac and pulmonary function, nervous system and overall health. Luckily, we can control how and where we breathe in our bodies to change this.